The Nambis held a
grand feast for the people of Madera every year. Ironically, the feast used the
very same produce that had been harvested using the sweat and blood of the villagers.
However, a generous amount of liquor served by chosen brothel women was enough
for the villagers to forget their contribution and instead appreciate the false
lord hood. The women and men feasted separately, by and large it was an
affair to please the men. Women were mere bystanders as they watched their men frolic
without a care.

Raman Nambi nodded
his head and smiled to himself as he heard his brothers hassle Kanchi. He took
in a deep breath and took his aim, however he missed by the slightest of margins.
Kanchi jumped up with joy and ran to grab her prized dagger while Kesu haggled
the Nambi brothers for losing to a girl.
After a sumptuous
feast and a whole day of games, a tired Kesu and Kanchi made their way home
while Paachan chose to remain for the night festivities that were meant just
for the menfolk. The sun was almost setting and as they turned around the large bushes, Kesu tried to snatch the dagger from Kanchi.
“Give it to me you
stupid girl. Why do you need a dagger? Its mine” barked Kesu
“No, I wont give
it to you. I won it and its mine” asserted Kanchi
A tug of war
ensued and was interrupted suddenly by a sound from in between the bushes. Crouched
behind the bushes were the Nambi twins, they had come to settle the score with
Kesu for teasing them.
“You low breed,
how dare you mock us lords. We are going to teach you a lesson and we are going
to take that dagger away” they screamed as they leaped out from the bushes in
front of Kesu and Kanchi. The brothers pounced on Kesu thrashing him mercilessly
with sticks while Kanchi tried to pull them away. She managed to pull the stick
away from Sivan Nambi and hit him with it.
“Vishnu, Vishnu,
pull this bitch away” he screamed as he winced in pain.
Vishnu Nambi let
go off Kesu and ran towards Kanchi and began to attack her with the stick. She
blocked his blows at the same time fending off Sivan Nambi who was attacking
her from behind. Kesu got onto his feet but did nothing to help his sister,
instead he hid behind the bushes and watched. He had his eyes on the dagger
that was lying a few feet away and was waiting to sneak in and grab it when no
one would notice.
Meanwhile Sivan
Nambi blinded Kanchi by throwing loose dirt in her eyes and in the next instant she
was pinned to the ground by Vishnu.
“Looks like we
will be getting more than revenge today brother,” he said as the duo grinned devilishly.
Kesu still did not
move, he couldn’t care less if they killed his sister or raped her. He wanted
the dagger at any cost.
While Vishnu held
onto Kanchi’s hands, Sivan ripped off Kanchi’s skirt. Upon seeing her
blood soaked loin cloth, he turned pale and nauseous.
“She’s impure, let
her go, we will get her another day” he said. The brothers then took turns kicking her in the stomach before running off.
Kesu came out of
his hiding and watching his sister bleed he laughed.
“Oh! I can’t wait
to tell father that you are menstruating. That means I am getting my 5 tolas
soon. Finally, you are of some use to me” he said as he kneeled down next to
his sister and picked up the dagger.
Without so much as
lending a helping hand to get onto her feet, he walked off whistling happily.
With much difficulty Kanchi got onto her feet and ran to the only safe place
she knew, Sambu Asan’s home.
Upon reaching there,
she called out weakily,
“Sambu Asan, Makara,
please, please let me in,” she called out before blacking out.
Kanchi strained to open her eyes,
they felt so heavy and tired. She yearned to sink back into deep slumber once
again. Upon seeing the girl toss around, Makaran called out to Sambhu Asaan, who
immediately came into the room.
“Kanchi, my dear, what happened.
You are bruised all over” asked an anxious Sambhu Asan
“Vishnu, Sivan, they, they attacked
me” she replied weakly
“My dear, I also noticed that….
that you have come of age” added Sambhu Asan
Kanchi suddenly became self-conscious
and was surprised to see that she had been changed and clothed in fresh albeit
loose clothes. Makaran’s wife who sat by her throughout the night had taken care
of washing her and tending to her bruises. She presently brought Kanchi some
warm soup to quench her hunger and replenish her energy.
“Please Sambhu Asan, don’t tell anyone. Amma and I are keeping it a secret. I don’t want to be sold off in marriage.
Please..” she begged
Sambhu Asan sighed. The day had
finally come upon them, a bit earlier than he had hoped for. There was no other
recourse. The night’s festivities would last till the wee hours of the next day
and Pachan like the menfolk was probably drunk and sprawled out on the ground for now. Surely that imbecile of a brother would inform Pachan as soon as he
returned home and the announcements would soon follow. Sambhu knew it would
be wise not to inform Kalyani of Kanchi’s location lest the boy overheard and
informed his father. They would soon begin a lookout for her. There was so much
planning to do before the next night and he hoped the girl would have regained her
strength by then.
He went to his study and took out
the parchment and wrote a quick short message. He rolled it up and kept it
aside. He opened up the armoire and took the special blue and green potions
out. He called out for Makaran and asked him to get a travel bundle ready with
clothes and food for a few days and bring it to him. He placed a few tolas and
the potions in a drawstring pouch. He closed his eyes and prayed briefly. It
was time to talk to the girl.
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