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Chapter 7 - The Evil Incarnate

“Tell me, where is Kanchi, what happened to her?” cried Kalyani grabbing Kesu by the shoulders and shaking him.

“She should be lying in the grassland near the Nambi’s mansion” replied Kesu callously.

“What do you mean! What happened to her?” screamed Kalyani in utter anguish.

“She just got kicked a bit around by the Nambi twins. She should be fine now and on her way back” replied Kesu devoid of any compassion.

“And you didn’t help her! What kind of a brother are you?” cried out a shocked Kalyani

“There was no way I was going to touch her, she was bleeding. I did not want to touch her and become impure. I am just waiting for father to come back so I can inform him about the grand news. I can’t wait to get my five tolas” said Kesu with a diabolical glee.

Upon seeing Kesu’s utter lack of consideration towards his own sister, she lost the last bit of composure she was holding onto, and slapped him repeatedly as she screamed, “You, horrid boy, you cannot be my child. You are the devil’s incarnation.”

Kesu winced in pain as her calloused hands hit his face and he grew angrier with each slap. He drew the dagger that his sister had won from his pouch and stabbed his mother in her gut.

Kalyani fell to the ground as the pain ripped through her and she held onto her stomach to stop the blood that had begun to gush out. She stared up at her son in shock and screamed shaking her head and pleading, “Kesu!!”

Kesu, who still was furious, did not care, if anything he seemed to enjoy it. He bent down and continued to stab his mother repeatedly as he screamed, “Die! Die! Die!”

Kanchi wanted to hold onto her dear life even as she bled out, she couldn’t go without knowing her daughter was safe, without knowing that she would escape this village, but she knew the end was near and she called out “Kanchi” weakly as she breathed her last.


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